image It has been an absolute whirlwind two days ever since I landed 48 hours ago.  My head is spinning from all the movies, parties, and blue magic of the Mediterranean! Below are some fun snapshots from the Opening Night Party for the March du Film, held at the Majestic Beach.  More entries to follow as soon as I get a bit more time!

xoxo, Riviera Gossip Girl

image L to R: Yours truly, Phillipa Kowarsky (sales agent of Cinephil), Wielend Speck (director of Berlinale Panorama) and Peter Broderick (distribution consultant – see
image L to R: Nicole Guillemet (consultant with the Cannes Producers Network), Anne Aghion (director of MY NEIGHBOR, MY KILLER – documentary about Rwanda screening in Cannes competition and coming to NY Human Rights Watch Film Festival next month) and Vincent Melilli (director of Visual Arts School of Marrakesh).
image Later on in the night, there was a crazy light / film projection using gushing water fountains as the screen, courtesy of the Middle East International Film Festival in Abu Dhabi.