So what is Wholphin? It’s a wonderful anthology of short films, released periodically on DVD with incredible craft and care by the folks who publish the literary anthology McSweeney’s. (The name Wholphin references the mix of a whale and dolphin). Editors Brent Hoff and Emily Doe dig up lost gems by esteemed directors such as Errol Morris and Jessica Yu; and showcase impressive emerging filmmakers. Now publishing volume 5, the editors are visiting STF from their hideaway in San Francisco. They’re bringing all kinds of rare bits: films concerning drunk bees, satanic Scottish 9-year-olds (in HEAVY METAL JR, pictured), the world champion one-handed blind-folded Rubix Cube masters, the ancient art of tree-hanging, an infuriating expose of the US Govt.’s arms twisting, horse thieving assault on two Shoshone Indian grannies, and a short film about Darfuri rebels literally smuggled out of Sudan in the back of a horse cart. If you love documentaries (maybe you’d like the editors to see your own short), please join us for this special occasion. STF pass holders will receive a free copy of Wholphin.
Visit the Wholphin web site.
Visit William Lamson’s web site.
Read a preview of Wholphin on the blog “Still in Motion”