Winner of Best Documentary at the 2008 Los Angeles Film Festival, LOOT is a feature-length Documentary that follows two WWII veterans and their guide across the globe in search of their buried wartime treasures.
During WWII, Darrel was stationed in Europe. Andrew was fighting in the Philippines. In the chaos of combat, each stole valuable treasures and hid them overseas before returning to civilian life in America. Sixty years later, back in America, neither man seems remorseful about their war crimes. Both want to recover the treasures they perceive as their own. They don’t know each other but they both happen to know Lance, an inventor, used-car salesman, and amateur treasure-hunter, who, against all odds and better judgment, attempts to help them find their lost looted goods.
Loot was shot on three different continents over the course of two and a half years. It is a story about fathers, sons and war, and how the secrets of history bleed into the present as three characters come unwittingly to a place where they must choose to face a truth or to bury it forever.