CITIZENFOUR from director Laura Poitras earned several nominations for the Cinema Eye Honors awards.
This week the Cinema Eye Honors announced the nominees for its awards. Anne Thompson and Ryan Lattanzio had coverage at Indiewire’s Thompson on Hollywood blog, as did Manori Ravindran at Realscreen. Indiewire’s Shipra Gupta also had coverage, as did Pete Bland of the Columbia Daily Tribune.
The DOC NYC festival kicked off this week. At Eye For Film, Anne-Katrin interviewed DOC NYC programmer Basil Tsiokos in two parts: part one here and part two here. At the New York Times Stephen Holden provided an overview of the festival, while Kevin Ritchie profiled it for Realscreen. At the POV blog, Tom Roston named his must-see films of the festival, while Lauren Wissot did the same at Filmmaker Magazine.
This week the doc community lost Kartemquin Films founding partner Jerry Blumenthal. At the Kartemquin website Tim Horsburgh shared an encomium for Blumenthal, while Manori Ravindran wrote on his passing for Realscreen.
In distro news, Realscreen’s Adam Benzine reported that Bond/360 picked up US rights for IN COUNTRY from directors Mike Attie and Meghan O’Hara. At Indiewire, Shipra Gupta reported that DO I SOUND GAY? from director David Thorpe had been picked up for North American distribution by Sundance Selects.
In a piece for Indiewire, Anthony Kaufman took a look at the history and influence of CPH:DOX.
The POV Hackathon 7 yielded another set of prototypes for interactive projects, which you can find here.
Back at Realscreen, Adam Benzine had a piece on how Laura Poitras made CITIZENFOUR.
Writing for the New York Times, Stacey Anderson looked at the film PULP: A FILM ABOUT LIFE, DEATH & SUPERMARKETS.
Realscreen’s Etan Vlessing reported on the Indian docs this year’s Hot Docs festival was set to highlight.
At Indiewire, Eric Hynes covered a Savannah Film Festival panel with eight filmmakers explaining how they became documentarians. Also writing for Indiewire, Greg Cwik had a piece focusing on advice for doc filmmakers to take before starting production.
This week Whitney Dow, the creator of THE WHITENESS PROJECT, had an AMA on Reddit that you can check out here. New Hampshire Public Radio also interviewed Dow for a segment that can be found here.
At Filmmaker Magazine, Scott Macaulay had five questions for SEX AND BROADCASTING director Tim K. Smith. Macaulay also interviewed Victoria Campbell, director of MONSIEUR LE PRESIDENT.
At the PBS Mediashift blog, Reuben Stern had a post on how documentary and interactive practices could be merged to create a new approach to media making.
In a piece for the Chicago Reader, Ben Sachs considered if some documentaries were beyond criticism.
Writing for Decider, Olivia Armstrong wrote about 10 docs that almost weren’t made.
At Nonfics.com, Jason Gorber got filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer to share eight documentary recommendations.
Back at the POV blog, Shako Liu looked at the Living Los Sures project from UnionDocs.
Shipra Gupta of Indiewire wrote a piece on the making of the new Marshall Curry film POINT AND SHOOT.
At Reverse Shot Magazine, Eric Hynes spoke with ACTRESS filmmaker Robert Greene. And Emma Myers of The L Magazine spoke with Greene and subject Brandy Burre about the film.
On his latest Filmwax Radio podcast, Adam Schartoff spoke with Frederick Wiseman.
Writing for Nonfics.com, Christopher Campbell shared highlighted some new releases to home platforms, including VOD.
Lisa Y. Garibay of Filmmaker Magazine spoke with filmmaker Griffin Dunne about the Kickstarter campaign for the new Joan Didion doc.
At the POV blog, Shako Liu rounded up some advice for filmmakers of color looking for funding.
In a piece for Nonfics.com, Dan Schindel reviewed SALT OF THE EARTH from directors Wim Wenders and Juliano Ribeiro Salgado.
Writing for Indiewire, Michael Chaney had a guest post shared some reasons for filmmakers to put off submitting to festivals.
Christopher Campbell made a case for retiring the phrase “fly on the wall” in a post at Nonfics.com.
At Kino-eye.com, David Tames rounded up some quotes on documentary and crafted a post.
In a guest post at Indiewire, director Jesse Moss talked about screening THE OVERNIGHTERS in the town in which it was shot.
Kat Delby shared some things learned about Roger Ebert from LIFE ITSELF director Steve James and Chaz Elbert.
Back at the POV blog, Emma Dessau shared a conversation between TOUGH LOVE editors Colin Nussbaum and Mary Manhardt on their craft.
At the What (Not) to Doc blog, Basil Tsiokos shared an overview of the Montreal International Documentary Festival (RIDM).
Craig Phillips wrote on the film HAPPINESS in a piece at the Independent Lens blog.
Finally, Julie Fischer shared the first chapter of her thesis on the emergence of the practice of live documentary.
Please send any tips or recommendations for the Memo via email here, or by Twitter to @GuerrillaFace. Thanks and have a great week everyone.